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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Halloween Twitter Extravaganza.....OF DOOM

Ah, Halloween, my favorite holiday.  It's the only time of year when someone can dress up as a nightmarish figure and wander around the neighborhood without being branded a stalker or pervert.  As an added bonus, children are encouraged to put themselves into sugar-induced comas, and we all know that coma patients are a perennial favorite among the undead.  As much fun as it is to stalk our victims as we traditionally do, sometimes you just don't feel like shambling after someone and want a nice easy meal.  People in comas are our equivalent to microwave dinners.

When I was still a member of the living breathing sacks of meat group, I used to enjoy the annual Top 100 Scariest Movie Moments that aired on Bravo.  I was something of a horror movie buff, so this was right up my alley.

That changed when I was, you know, brutally assaulted by a zombie and turned into one of the undead.  It's hard to get frightened by a guy with a butcher knife when all you can think about is, "Why is he going after that woman, there's a much tastier-looking man in the next room over!"

As a tribute to this former favorite of mine, I've decided to post via Twitter the Top Ten Scariest Movie Moments to Zombies.  These are the moments that make the living dead feel that creeping sensation run down our spines.  You can thank me later for such an in-depth examination into the zombie psyche.

From now until Halloween I'll be posting these moments, so be sure to check back frequently.  If you don't, I swear that I'll track you down and peel the flesh from your muscles before devouring your tasty innards.  Even if you do I'll still do that to you, but at least we'll have something to discuss pleasantly during the process.


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